Friday 7 October 2011

pertandingan sandwich 4 Excellent

pertandingan sandwich...
thanks GB for your support

cuti-cuti... buat cup kek la!....

Bersedia menerima tempahan
 hmmmm.... sedapnya... cute tak???
 Siap... untuk tempahan birthday
 nak cuba??? nyum nyum nyum
 Love butterflies...
macam-macam ada ha ha ha

Thursday 6 October 2011

welcome back...

after 2 months... i am back
i had to leave my blog behind for a while because of my hactic schedule..
but when i am back i found out that my students took a glance on my blog and some of them who had their own blog had followed me..
thanks to all my students..
keep blogging but use your blog for good things ok..

Sunday 31 July 2011

Hari Inovasi Hijau SKDH 2011

 Hari Inovasi Hijau dengan kerjasama POLIMAS, Jab Hutan dan Jab Pertanian
 Guru Besar SKDH En. Zulkeflee Alwi menyampaikan ucapan aluan
dan merasmikan Hari Inovasi Hijau 2011
 Antara pensyarah POLIMAS yang turut serta
 Antara aktiviti yang dijalankan di padang sekolah
 Hmmmm..... yummy!!!
 Menjamu selera sebentar sebelum menyambung tugas
Guru Besar dan K.J Polimas menanam pokok
Antara aktiviti yang di jalankan:
Membina tapak semaian pokok 
 Bergambar kenangan bersama Guru2 SKDH, Pensyarah POLIMAS dan pelajar

Gambar Guru2 SKDH dan pensyarah POLIMAS

salam ramadhan

Doa Jibril menjelang Ramadhan yang berbunyi...
"Ya Allah. kau terimalah jua puasa umat Muhammad yang apabila sebelum memasuki Ramadhan mereka tidak memulakannya dengan perkara-perkara berikut:
- Meminta ampun kepada IBUBAPA,
- Bermaafan sesama SUAMI ISTERI
- Bermaafan dengan ORANG SEKITARNYA"
Lantas Nabi Muhammad S.A.W mengaminkan doa tersebut sebanyak 3 kali..
Sempena Ramadhan ini ingin saya memohon seribu kemaafan atas segala kekhilafan
selama pertemuan di bumi Tuhan
Selamat menjalankan ibadat puasa di madrasah tarbiah Ramadhan
Marhaban Ya Ramadhan.. 

Thursday 28 July 2011

My new school badge. SK Darulaman Heights, Bandar Darulaman, Jitra Kedah




TEMPAT: DKG 3/1 dan DKG 3/2 (UUM)



9.00 – 11.30 pg

3.00 – 5.30 ptg



English for Communication II

Kenegaraan Malaysia


Pn. Rasidah Mat Zain
Pn. Nur Rasyidah M.Nordin
Pn. Salmi Hussain
PM Dr. Rohani


9.00 – 11.30 pg


Pembangunan Sahsiah



Tn. Hj. Abdl Rahim

Thursday 14 July 2011

Sekitar Majlis Bacaan Yasin SK Darulaman Height, Bandar Darulaman, Jitra Kedah

Antara waris lelaki yang hadir

Antara waris wanita yang hadir

Para waris menjamu selera

Wednesday 13 July 2011

psssttt..psssttt...nak kongsi sesuatu ni....

malam tadi lepas lebih 2 jam ngadap blog nih.. rasa pedih lak mata nih.. azie pun belek2 la blog2 lain... tapi ada satu blog ni yang sangat menarik perhatian azie.. hmmm baca la catatannya... penulisnya hanya memperkenalkan dirinya sebagai The Brave Programmer.... Read it and think...

Is your blog actually useful?

Written by:
2009/10/16 09:40 AM
helpIcon People blog for many reasons. Some blog professionally while others just do it for the fun of it. But whatever the reason, make sure your blog is actually useful to others who are and will be reading it. If your blog is not solving a problem or fulfilling a need or desire amongst your readers then you’re unlikely to see them return.
Now the needs and desires don’t have to be enormous or earth shattering. If you’re just meeting a single need, or answering a simple question you will not only be making their day a whole lot better, but you will also be building a community.
This post is inspired much by a conversation I had with a good friend, Mike Cliff Jones. On his blog Mike’s Life from a post entitled Should you go down the membership site route? There Mike talks about membership sites. One of my comments was that the site has to be useful. People won’t pay for rubbish. It has to meet a need. But then I read another post from Darren Rowse about a blog being useful, and it got me thinking. Not only should pay sites be useful but all blogs should be useful.
Don’t have a blog that is full of useless dribble and thousands of meaningless words that are thrown together without passion or direction. If that is your blog, then people will not want to read it let alone stay, come back for more or even tell their friends about it.

How can a blog be useful.

Their are many ways to make a blog useful. Here are just a few thoughts to ponder upon.
Educate. People desire knowledge. Nobody knows everything. Your blog can educate people. You have a skill, you have knowledge. Let that loose on the world. Write tutorials, answer questions, solve problems.
Inform. People want to now what the latest news is, or what the latest trend is. What’s hot and what’s not.
Entertain. Sometimes there are too many serious things going on in the world around you. Many want to sit back and relax and be entertained. People want to laugh, and cry. They want to know what the latest gossip is. They seek adventure.
Thought Provoking. People want their minds challenged. They want to exercise their intellect. They want to be exposed to new points of view.
Debateable. Nothing draws people to a topic than a good solid debate. People want to engage. They want to voice their opinion. They want to argue. A controversial and informative post will stir up a nice debate. Get people talking.
Build a community. No man is an island. People don’t like to be alone, They seek company. They desire to be with friends who share the same thoughts and interests. People have a strong desire to belong. Belong to something that is worthwhile. Your blog can build up such a community.

Is your blog useful?

I suppose this is a question we should all be asking ourselves. Whether you are a seasoned blogger or just a beginner, you have to ask the question every time you write a post. If you cant answer that question positively, then throw the post away and start over. Have each post enhance someone's life in some way. Reach out to people and change their life. Become a part of their journey.

macamana kawan2?.. azie pun terasa gak tempiasnya... hi hi... but as a beginner, we still learning and we start from A and slowly getting to B, C and so on... We need to keep going  and try to be better and better...

Sekitar Hari Pendaftaran Sk Darulaman Height

Para waris sibuk mendaftar anak masing-masing di kaunter pendaftaran

Sementara waris mendaftar, anak-anak menduduki ujian khas

Antara murid-murid perintis SK Darulaman Height

Barisan jemputan yang menghadiri taklimat ringkas pada Hari Pendaftaran

Apa agaknya yang mereka bincang tu... hi hi hi..

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Sekolah ku... cantik kan?

 Dataran SKDH
 Ini lah meja ku.... hi hi hi
 Makmal sains1 yang lengkap.. di SKDH ni ada 3 makmal sains
Bilik Muzik sound proof... boleh la dtg karaoke kalau tension2 hi hi

SK Darulaman Height

bestnyer... sekolah baru ni banyak la benda nak kena buat.. tapi seronok sangat sebab takdek org yang nak mengaku senior... jadi semua buat kerja berganding bahu untuk menjayakan sekolah yang baru ni..


hai kawan-kawan semua..
azie nak share satu laman web yang amat berguna untuk teachers out there or parents as well.
laman web ni menyediakan printable worksheet yang boleh di gunakan untuk lembaran kerja p&p ataupun latihan tambahan untuk anak-anak anda. azie selalu guna laman web ni untuk dapatkan worksheet untuk anak-anak murid azie...

jom belajar bahasa inggeris online

Friday 17 June 2011


kepada kawan-kawan semua.. sudi2 la melawat dan follow blog saye...

Monday 13 June 2011

ICT in Education">

Thursday 9 June 2011

Are we really using ICT in our classroom?

One thing about the changeover to teach science and maths in English in 2003 was that for the first time ICT (Information and Communications Technology) began to be used on a large scale throughout our school system as a teaching aid. Unfortunately, instead of being a teaching aid, in many cases the poor English of the teachers turned the teaching aid into the only teacher many kids got. I can speak from personal experience that as good as my science teachers were, there wasn't much they could do to add to the ICT-based teaching aids. If anything, the structure of the aids seems to have been meant to supplant teachers instead of assist them. This is really a great shame, because ICT can be a fantastic teaching aid when used correctly.

The slideshows which schools use as teaching aids presently are essentially whole lectures with some visuals included. There is not a whole lot teachers can add to the ICT-based teaching aids, especially if their English is poor. Teachers are pretty much reduced to open the slideshows and clicking "next".

Of course, teachers still have a role to play. After all, teachers should be able to tell when the pupils are not paying attention to the virtual learning, and answer any questions the students may have. If anything, the slideshows probably give more effective information than some teachers do. The problem as I notice, it is that instead of playing to the advantages of ICT, this marginalises ICT. We're just replacing human teaching with computer teaching. Teachers are now more like teaching assistants than the actual teachers.

Beside, the primary advantage of ICT is, it offers access to a lot of data and information which teachers don't know before, and of course it can present this information in compelling and interesting ways. The way we've rolled out ICT is such that our students get a voice from the computer droning at them while some pretty cartoons pop up on the screen. At best, students may get the chance to play a game or two which facilitates retention of the material — but this isn't really playing to all the advantages of ICT.

Let me give some examples on how we can use ICT effectively. Based on my own experiences, I am teaching year 4,5 and 6 English classes. In my class, I always use e-learning to help me testing pupils' understanding in some tenses or grammar. I always allowed my pupils to use 'agenda web' which contain helpful notes and excercises. Pupils are given some time to acces the internet and answer the questions online by themselves. I used the internet to locate studies proving that what I'm teaching in class can actually apply to the real world. I always tell my pupils that they could use these things up in their spare time, having the option to call up all these visual aids and supporting facts in the classroom itself is clearly invaluable to the learning experience.

There were sometimes last year when I frequently made them watch the news on Edu Tv, or called up English clips on Youtube. It was an obvious and easy way to help my pupils practice their listening, and it was a lot more natural than repeating sentences from our textbooks to one another. ICT lends itself readily to all sorts of interesting applications in the classroom.

The one thing in common here is that nobody made the instructors use particular software or stick to particular applications of ICT. So far, our approach to ICT in the classroom has been to hand out CDs to teachers, without making teachers realise how they can more broadly apply things like the internet to lessons in the classroom. Our ICT strategy has been essentially "If we give teachers CDs with slideshows on them, we're making use of ICT! It's a success!"

But for me, a truly successful programme for ICT useness in the classroom would not only allow but encourage teachers to go beyond government-supplied tools, and to use things like the internet to enhance their teaching skills. Even if all they do is use Google to search for answers to questions they don't have answers to, I think it's a lot more instructive and useful for pupils to see how to use Google to find answers than it is for them to get a simple lecture from the computer.

Right now, we're not doing anything really useful with ICT. All we're doing is pretty much what a teacher with decent English and maybe some visual aids of her own can do anyway. The true advantage of ICT lies in things which ordinarily teachers can't do: answering almost any question imaginable, and offering exciting and interesting ways in which to present those answers. A good education policy would go beyond handing out CDs to schools; it would train teachers how to include ICT as part of their lessons in the classroom.